August 14, 2023 Theatre Agenda & Minutes

Posted: August 8, 2023 | Updated: October 16, 2023


Notice and Call of Public Meeting

Government Body:  Cresco Theater Commission

Date of Meeting:  August 14th, 2023

Time and Place of Meeting:  5:30 p.m. at Champlin Hall, Cresco Theatre

Roll Call:  Gosch, Hughes, Waterbeck, Wilson, Seebach, Bartling, Lickteig

Recurring Items:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes from June 12th, 2023 meeting
  3. Approval of claims/financials

Staff Reports:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Manager’s Report
  2. Staffing and Employees

-New hires as of 7/1/23 at $7.25/hour – Emmaly Hoppe, Korey Hrdlicka, Lexus Vrba

Old Business:  There may be action taken on items.

  1. Friends of Theatre
  2. Theatre Seats
  3. Scene Shop Committee

New Business:  There may be action taken on items.

  1. Fundraising
  2. 110 Year Anniversary-Ideas and Planning for August of 2024
  3. Discussion of policies for city departments/other entities using the building for a short period of time
  4. New Commission Member-Welcome Steve Lickteig
  5. Officer Elections/Installments
  6. National Cinema Day-$4 tickets
  7. Next meeting date: September 11th, 2023


  1. Comments from Community Theatre
  2. Comments from Chamber
  3. Comments from City Council
  4. Comments from Audience




Cresco Theatre Commission

President David Gosch called the meeting to order on August 14th, 2023, at 5:30 PM.  In attendance were:  David Gosch, Kelly Bartling, Steve Lickteig, and Julie Wilson.  Ann Seebach and Kari Waterbeck were unable to attend.  Guests:  Wendy Lickteig, Cresco Theatre Manager ,and  Joe Wacha, Cresco Community Theatre.

The August agenda, June minutes and financials were reviewed.  Kelly Bartling made the motion to approve, seconded by Julie Wilson and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Wendy Lickteig presented the manager’s report.   The movie The Sound of Freedom did extremely well and 494 people attended.  The current movie is Meg 2, and upcoming movies are:  Indiana Jones, Oppenheimer, and Barbie.  Scheduling for September and October have been more of a challenge.  The Theatre will be in use for many upcoming events:  8/28 Firefighter Recruitment Movie, Cruise to Cresco, 9/23 Live Performance of Rustic Moon, 10/9 CUSB Event, and 10/14 The Neverly Brothers.  There was no free movie in August, but an additional outdoor movie was shown.  New hires on 7/1/23 at a wage of $7.25/hour were Emmaly Hoppe, Korey Hrdlicka, and Lexus Vrba.  The new hires have been excellent.  Julie Wilson made a motion to approve the manager’s and staffing  report, seconded by Kelly Bartling and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Old Business:

  1. Friends of Theatre-Will be contacted in September to help with the live event.
  2. Theatre Seats-Ideas and information will continue to be gathered.
  3. Scene Shop Committee-The architect will be coming on 8/21 to the City Council Meeting. There is $200,000+ in the trust for the Scene Shop Project.  Another Commission member is now needed to be on the Scene Shop Committee.

New Business:

  1. Fundraising:  CCT and CTC, along with a City Council Representative are planning a joint meeting on September 5th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in Champlin Hall to get the ball rolling on fundraising for the Scene Shop.
  2. 110 Year Anniversary-August of 2024: The Commission will continue to generate ideas.
  3. Building Rental/Use for City Entities: The Commission decided that city entities could use the building free of charge, but that use of the projector would be a fee of $50 to cover staff wages.  Julie Wilson mad a motion to approve, seconded by Kelly Bartling and unanimously approved by the Commission.
  4. Steve Lickteig was welcomed to the Commission as a new member.
  5. Officer Elections will take place at the next meeting when all members are in attendance.
  6. National Cinema Day, which is August 27, was discussed. The Theatre will charge $4 for the movie that day.  Kelly Bartling made a motion to approve, seconded by Steve Lickteig, and unanimously approved by the Commission.
  7. Next Meeting Date- September 11th,    Kelly Bartling made the motion to approve, seconded by Steve Lickteig and unanimously approved by the Commission.



  1. Community Theatre-Joe Wacha reported that CCT will perform the Addams Family July 18-21, 2024. An additional show is being planned for fall, and a dinner show is being planned for February or March.
  2. Chamber-No report
  3. City Council-No report
  4. Comments from the Audience-none

Kelly Barling made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Steve Lickteig and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie A. Wilson