City Council – June 17, 2024 Agenda & Minutes

Posted: June 14, 2024 | Updated: June 28, 2024






DATE OF MEETING:                                   JUNE 17, 2024






ACT ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time council votes on the motion.

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Claims
  3. Minutes from June 3, 2024
  4. Minutes from June 11, 2024 Special Meeting
  1. Approval of Retail Cigarette and Tobacco Permits for:
    1. Kwik Trip, Inc. dba Kwik Star #428;
    2. Fareway Stores Inc. dba Fareway Stores, Inc #815;
    3. Casey’s General Stores, Inc dba Casey’s General Store #2511;
    4. Ox and Wren, LLc dba The Ox & Wren Spirits and Gifts;
    5. Big Daddy Hideaway Corp. dba Sweeney’s Lounge;
    6. DOLGENCORP, LLC dba Dollar General #2400
    7. JAGDAMBE, LLC dba Cresco Mart;
    8. Howard County Jail
  1. Approval of Parade Permit for Portions of Highway 9 and 3rd Street SW for the Winn Med Hospice Memorial Ride on June 23, 2024
  2. Approval of Application for Tax Abatement under the Urban Revitalization Plan for James Moen and Pam Kuennen


STAFF REPORTS: There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Public Works
  2. Police
  3. Administration
  4. Committee Updates


COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (This portion of the agenda is for comments that are not related to one of the items listed on the agenda.  Comments can only be received. No formal action by the Council can be taken. Those making public comments will be asked to state their name and address, and to speak from the podium.)


BUSINESS:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.


  1. Dave Gosch and Theatre Commission to Update on Scene Shop
  2. Rick Hagen to Discuss the Driveway at the Sewer Plant
  3. Mike McConnell and Don Recker to Discuss Issues at the Malek Pond
  4. Wayne Mashek to Discuss 7th Street West Sign Placement
  5. Discussion on 7th Street West Truck Traffic
  6. Third Reading of Proposed Ordinance 509 which Amends Chapter 92 Sections 02, 03, 05, and 06, Chapter 99 section 02, and Chapter 106 section 08 (2) in the City of Cresco Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Water Rates, Sewer Service Charges, and Yardwaste Fees
  7. Approval of Ordinance 509 Pertaining to Water Rates, Sewer Service Charges, and Yardwaste Fees
  8. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Cost-Share Grant Contract with Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the Airport Filtration Basin Project
  9. Resolution Approving Loan Agreement for Loan of Funds from the CUSB Historic Downtown Revolving Loan Fund and the City of Cresco to Brady Norman D/B/A Cornstalk Iowa, LLC
  10. Resolution Approving the Revised Employee Handbook Effective July 2024
  11. Resolution Committing Fund Balance Resources for General Funds and Special Revenue Funds (GASB 54)
  12. Review and Possible Motion to Approve Open Records Request Form
  13. Motion to Write Off Uncollectible Customer Accounts for FYE June 30, 2024
  14. Recommendation of Boards and Commissions to Appoint Members for a Term of Three Years Expiring 6/30/2027:
    1. Airport Commission to Reappoint Clair Pecinovsky
    2. Airport Commission to Reappoint Ross Merritt
    3. Library Board to Reappoint Tamra Foster
    4. Library Board to Appoint Megan Nelson (to replace Janis Rockabrand)





Mayor Fortune called the Cresco City Council meeting to order on June 17, 2024 at 5:30 pm. Council Members Carman, Fosaaen, Bouska, McConnell, and Kriener were present. No council members were absent.

Carman made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included approval of the: agenda; claims; minutes from the June 3, 2024 meeting; minutes from June 11, 2024 special meeting; Retail Cigarette and Tobacco Permits for: Kwik Trip, Inc dba Kwik Star #428, Fareway Stores, Inc dba Fareway Store #815, Casey’s General Stores, Inc dba Casey’s General Store #2511, Ox and Wren, LLC dba The Ox & Wren Spirits and Gifts, Big Daddy Hideaway Corp. dba Sweeney’s Lounge, DOLGENCORP, LLC dba Dollar General #2400, JAGDAMBE, LLC dba Cresco Mart, Howard County Jail; Parade Permit for portions of Highway 9 and 3rd St SW for the Winn Med Hospice Memorial Ride on June 23, 2024; tax abatement under the Urban Revitalization Plan for James Moen and Pam Kuennen for 1225 Canterbury Ct. Fosaaen seconded and it passed all ayes.

Public Works Director Brenno reported: (a) 7th Street W Reconstruction is almost complete. This week, they will be laying asphalt and reshaping a small portion of the bottom of the retention basin. A fence will be placed by waterway near Hawkeye Sanitation at a later date; (b) Street Department will begin chipsealing this week.

Police Chief Ruroden had nothing to report for the police department.

City Clerk Hill reported: (a) May financials were enclosed in packet; (b) will be attending Clerk School next week; (c) will be doing reminder calls on the Lead Service Line Inventory Forms over the next few weeks. Additional forms are available at City Hall if needed.

McConnell attended the Chamber meeting where the conversation revolved around housing and the potential Alliant rate increase.

McConnell reported on the Park Board meeting and the memberships are around 800. They met with two architects for the Fitness Center project and have made their selection. The Fitness Center will be closed June 26th – 30th for annual maintenance. New lights have been installed at the pickleball court, looking at timers to have them shut off automatically. Summer rec program has added some new programs. Participants are up from 248 participants to 338 from last year.

McConnell reported on an Airport Commission meeting. The company that was contracted to do the airport runway project is unwilling to do the project so they will proceed with the next lowest quote.

Mayor Fortune asked for comments from the audience. Dean Balk asked Council to consider installing additional signage on 95th St and 7th Ave E near the Webster’s Addition to remind people to watch for pedestrians and children due to the increase in housing and residents walking/biking in that area. He also questioned if an additional storm siren could be installed in the Webster Addition. Brenno will do some checking for additional signage to be placed and check on requirements for an additional siren.

Jason Passmore reported the Mighty Howard County Fair cards are available at the Chamber office. July 5th is the next Family Fun Night at Prairies Edge Nature Center with fireworks at the Cresco Country Club at dusk. Northeast Iowa Regional Roundup is July 17th at Convergence CiderWorks in Decorah. Ridiculous Day will be July 18th with numerous vendors and downtown businesses. August 4th will be the Fly-In Breakfast and Fine Arts Show. Harvest Fest is August 23rd – 25th.

Dave Gosch with the Theatre Commission updated Council on the Scene Shop Project. The original estimate was around $800,000 and the Scene Shop Committee has looked over the project and made some modifications to simplify plans. After reaching out to local contractors, it is now estimated to be about $500,000. They will begin fundraising with a goal of $300,000 to fully cover the cost of the project. By allowing pledges to go over multiple years, the City may have to cover until the pledges come in. Fosaaen made a motion to authorize the Scene Shop Committee to move forward with obtaining bid specs on the project. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Rick Hagen was unable to attend the meeting. He is requesting to allow the driveway to the wastewater treatment plant to be used as his driveway for access to his lots. Council is concerned about the narrowness of the road and maintenance issues that could arise. Council would like more information before making any decisions.

Mike McConnell and Don Recker explained to Council that they have a large number of branches and yardwaste coming from further up the Malek pond that are piling up on their property. They feel that the brush and trees are creating a nuisance and would like it looked into. Brenno has reached out to the attorney to get more information as to who is responsible for maintaining the pond and will follow-up after we have more answers and information.

Wayne Mashek questioned Council on the placement of the “no truck” signs on 7th Street West. He would like the signs removed to allow truck traffic north from Highway 9. Aaron Wemark stated that he believed they would be placed further up by the Howard County shop. Brenno explained that the signs were installed due to the volume, weight, and speed of the trucks that drive down the road for the industrial park. Several options were discussed such as restricting the weight of the vehicles, having a dedicated truck route, no thru truck traffic, moving the sign, or no semi traffic allowed. Brenno will work with the DOT on sign placement and options to come up with a solution that is enforceable and works for all parties.

Mayor Fortune performed the third reading of the summary of proposed Ordinance No. 509 amending Chapter 92 Sections 02, 03, 05, and 06, Chapter 99 Section 02, and Chapter 106 section 08 (2) the City of Cresco Code of Ordinances pertaining to water rates, sewer service charges, and yardwaste fees of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cresco, Iowa. Bouska made the motion to approve the third reading. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Bouska made the motion to approve Ordinance No. 509 pertaining to water rates, sewer service charges, and yardwaste fees. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Carman made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Cost-Share Grant Contract with Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the Airport Filtration Basin Project. Kriener seconded and it passed all ayes.

Brady Norman updated Council on his current housing projects and what the funds will be used for. Carman made a motion to approve the resolution approving the Loan Agreement for a loan of $45,000 from the CUSB Historic Downtown Revolving Loan Fund and the City of Cresco to Brady Norman dba Cornstalk Iowa, LLC. Kriener seconded and it passed all ayes.

McConnell made the motion to approve the resolution approving the revised Employee Handbook effective July 2024. Bouska seconded and it passed all ayes.

Bouska made the motion to approve the resolution to committing fund balance resources for General Funds and Special Revenue Funds (GASB 54).  Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Hill presented a form to help track open records requests. This will ensure that correct information is being given. Carman made the motion to approve the open records request form. Fosaaen seconded and it passed all ayes.

Bouska made the motion to write off one uncollectible customer account for FYE June 30, 2024 for a total of $173.52. Kriener seconded and it passed all ayes. Fosaaen seconded and it passed all ayes.

Kriener made a motion to approve the recommendation of the respective Boards and Commissions and appoint members for terms of three years expiring June 30, 2027 as follows: Airport Commission to reappoint Clair Pecinovsky and Ross Merritt; Library Board to reappoint Tamra Foster; Library Board to appoint Megan Nelson (to replace Janis Rockabrand). McConnell seconded and it passed all ayes.

McConnell moved to adjourn the Council Meeting at 6:46 pm. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes. The next regular Cresco City Council meeting will be July 1, 2024, at 5:30 pm at Cresco City Hall.


Mayor Alexander Fortune
City Clerk Nicole Hill
