October 9, 2023 – Theatre Agenda & Minutes

Posted: October 5, 2023 | Updated: November 22, 2023


Notice and Call of Public Meeting

Government Body:  Cresco Theater Commission

Date of Meeting:  October 9th, 2023

Time and Place of Meeting:  5:30 p.m. at Champlin Hall, Cresco Theatre

Roll Call:  Gosch,  Waterbeck, Wilson, Seebach, Bartling, Lickteig

Recurring Items:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes from September 11th, 2023 meeting
  3. Approval of claims/financials

Staff Reports:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Manager’s Report
  2. Staffing and Employees

Old Business:  There may be action taken on items.

  1. Friends of Theatre
  2. Theatre Seats
  3. Scene Shop Committee

New Business:  There may be action taken on items.

  1. Fundraising
  2. 110 Year Anniversary-Ideas and Planning for August of 2024
  3. Next meeting date: November 13th, 2023


  1. Comments from Community Theatre
  2. Comments from Chamber
  3. Comments from City Council
  4. Comments from Audience




Cresco Theatre Commission

President David Gosch called the meeting to order on October 9th, 2023, at 5:30 PM.  In attendance were:  David Gosch, Kelly Bartling, Steve Lickteig, Kari Waterbeck, Ann Seebach  and Julie Wilson. Guests:  Wendy Lickteig, Cresco Theatre Manager ,and  Joe Wacha, Cresco Community Theatre.

The October agenda, September  minutes and financials were reviewed.  Kelly Bartling made the motion to approve, seconded by Steve Lickteig and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Wendy Lickteig presented the manager’s report.   Wendy reported that the live performance for Rustic Moon had a small crowd, but they enjoyed themselves.  Ticket sales have been going well for 10/14:  The Neverly Brothers.  A Tourism Grant was received for this which will help offset advertising and hotel costs.  There is a plan in place to repair the front sidewalk.  Bids are being obtained for repair to the ramp.  Movies have not done well as of late, due to movies being released.   Two free movies have been booked so far for the year.  No staffing report at this time. Ann Seebach made the motion to approve, seconded by Kelly Bartling and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Old Business:

  1. Friends of Theatre-Events are covered at this time.
  2. Theatre Seats-No report at this time.
  3. Scene Shop Committee-This committee is working jointly with Cresco Theatre Commission and Chamber.

New Business:

  1. Fundraising:  The Commission discussed applying for a gambling license in January, and the possibility of using Venmo.
  2. 110 Year Anniversary-August of 2024: The Commission discussed having ads before the movies with photos, and videos of old performances in the upcoming year.  Another idea was to have Sunday matinees showing past plays as movies.
  3. Next Meeting  Date- November 13th,  2023, to be followed by Scene Shop Fundraising Committee meeting.    Ann Seebach  made the motion to approve, seconded by Julie Wilson and unanimously approved by the Commission.


  1. Community Theatre-Joe Wacha reported that CCT would like to do a silent auction to raise funds for the Scene Shop.
  2. Chamber-No report
  3. City Council-No report
  4. Comments from the Audience-none

Kari Waterbeck made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Steve Lickteig and unanimously approved by the Commission.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie A. Wilson