Contact Us
Phone: 563-547-3101
Interested in a tour or have any questions?
24321 90th St. Cresco, IA - just NE of town
The WW department is responsible for the collection system, which includes all of the sewer mains, manholes, and lift stations in town.
Businesses, residential housing, and industries are responsible for their own sewer lines from their homes or buildings to the City's main sewers.
The collection system is what diverts all of the WW to the WW treatment plant. Once there, the employees are responsible for treating the WW so it will meet regulations mandated by the state and federal government before it's allowed to leave the plant.
This is accomplished by flowing through a series of screens and tanks at the treatment plant. Testing is done both on the site and sent out to private labs to ensure that the regulations are being met. There are many pieces of equipment in the collection system at the plant that are operated and maintained by a certified employee and two assistants of the City of Cresco.
If you are ever interested in a tour or have any questions, please feel free to call the Waste Water Treatment Plant at 563-547-3600.
Meet the Department
Mike Born
Aaron Butikofer
Shawn Erickson
Sludge Handling & Storage
The new Sludge Handling & Storage improvements at the Cresco Waste Water Treatment Facility were completed recently with the start-up, and inspection of the new 500,000 gallon tank and equipment. This was approximately a $750,000 project with the City receiving a $275,000 I-JOBS grant bring the total cost to approximately $475,000.
With the new equipment now in place the City of Cresco will have 180 days of sludge storage which has been a struggle for the facility in recent years. This will also give the City an option of easy expansion in the future if needed as the tank can be doubled in size by adding more rings.